Let's Seed

Backyard, a restaurant with the ambition of supporting green products and local economy, proposes an artistic and sustainable culinary experience. In this project, Mam brings the sustainable, artistic and human-centric spirit of Backyard to the public through our complete branding package. 

Inspiration & Concept

Inspired by the laid-back ambiance and the image of an outdoor family get-together, Mam has chosen Backyard as the name for the restaurant. The ingredients will be selected from local farmers and processed traditionally by the artisans. Guests will be informed about the carbon footprint they are consuming through the carefully calculated carbon footprint of each item in the menu.


Mam chooses the familiar, rustic image of a picket fence for the logo of Backyard. Green is our team’s pick to stress the ecological and sustainable value of the restaurant. With serif fonts and simple palette, Mam aims to express the elegant yet crafty spirit of Backyard.


Aside from the logo, Mam designs the printed materials, banners and merchandise for Backyard.